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What is Cultivate?

CULTIVATE is a 18-month CSPC Women's Ministry mentoring/discipleship program which connects mentors and mentees. Cultivate is designed to help women grow spiritually by pairing them with mentors who are eager to intentionally engage and navigate all areas of life with them. Throughout your Cultivate journey, you will experience:

  • Rich spiritual mentoring rooted in God’s Word.

  • Wisdom and encouragement from a woman ahead in her walk with Jesus.

  • Explore what Scripture says about relevant day-to-day topics such as identity, calling, gratitude, relationships, prayer, and others.



CULTIVATE is designed to help women grow and flourish by leading them to embrace a higher standard of intentional living, pairing them with mentors who have gone before them and are eager to help them navigate all areas of life.


Discover a way of life that fosters vulnerability, accountability, and spiritual growth in intentional relationships. You can decide to grow today! Please join us.

Groups and One-on-One Meetings

We believe growth happens in context of relationships. Cultivate consists of small group and individual meetings.

  • Each small group in Cultivate has 2 mentors and 4 mentees which meet 1x/month plus an optional dinner/social 1x/month.

  • Each mentor within the group is paired with two mentees and will intentionally connect with each mentee through weekly texts/phone call to check-in as well as meet one-on-one 1x/month with each mentee to help them navigate and apply scripture to all areas of life.



Each mentor and mentee in the Cultivate Mentoring Program meets together three times a year throughout the length of the program for what we call Cultivate Collectives. These are times set aside for equipping and encouragement. These times are rich with worship, teaching, and stories from those in the program. 


Each meeting is a testimony of the grace of God and how He has been working in the hearts and lives of each woman.  

For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations.
Isaiah 61:11

Cultivate Mission

The heart of Cultivate is to see women deeply rooted in the Word of God, reflecting His glory to the world around them.


...that they may be called oaks of righteousness,
   the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. (Isaiah 61:3b)

 Our mission is three-fold. We strive to create space for women to grow, connect, and invest. 


Grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and apply Biblical truth to every area of life.


Connecting in a group and one-on-one context to foster vulnerability and accountability to live a life worthy of the calling. 


Invest in those around us as we continue to grow and follow God's command to make disciples. 


 I truly feel that God placed my mentor and mentee in my life for a very special reason. In the group setting we talk about the good, the hard, the raw always with Jesus at the center of it all. I always feel heard by my group and I love the advice that is given from Catherine who has walked before me and through Liz who is walking it beside me. There was an instant comfort and friendship that developed and it consisted to grow over the months we fellowship together. Our group challenges me to dig deeper in my faith and also reminds me that God is always working in me. 


Participating in Cultivate has reminded me of the great need for woman-to-woman time/accountability in my life. Getting to share the highs and lows of what God is doing in and around our everyday lives has been invaluable and I feel certain my mentees have taught me more than I could ever imagine teaching them. As a mother of all boys, these women have given me a taste of the mother/daughter bond I never knew I was missing. The added bonus is that it’s not just been the three of us. We get to share all of this with the other three ladies. We may have started as two mentors and four mentees, but we have grown into sisters.


 To me, the best relationships are ones where the conversation can go seamlessly from favorite ice cream flavors, to how God is sanctifying us and changing our hearts, to skincare routines, to how to wisely parent… and that is exactly what our group is. Through lunches with my mentor, I get wisdom poured over me in a one-on-one context, then through our group time, I benefit from the unique perspectives of two older women and three peers. Cultivate has been one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me this year and I think a primary tool He has used in this season of life to draw me closer to Himself.


© 2024 Cultivate Mentoring

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